Principles and applications of ECG

Principle of Electrocardiogram

Before the heart beats, the heart muscle is first excited, and during the excitation process a weak electric current is generated, which is conducted to various parts of the body through the body tissues. Since the tissues of each part of the body are different and the distance between each part and the heart is different, therefore, in each part of the body surface, different potential changes are exhibited, and this surface potential generated by the electrical activity in the human heart in relation to time is called ECG.

Electrocardiogram machine is the instrument that records these physiological electrical signals.

Clinical applications of electrocardiogram machine

Clinical applications of ECG machine


 1. It has important diagnostic value for arrhythmia and conduction disorders.

 2. It has high accuracy in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction, which can determine not only the presence or absence of myocardial infarction, but also the location, extent and evolution of the infarct’s lesion phase.

 3. It is helpful in the diagnosis of atrial myocardial enlargement, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery supply deficiency and pericarditis.

 4. It can help to understand the effect of certain drugs (such as digitalis, quinidine) and electrolyte disorders on the myocardium.

 5. As a time marker of electrical information, ECG is often traced simultaneously for cardiac function measurements such as electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, impedance hemogram and other cardiac electrophysiological studies to facilitate time determination.

 6. ECG monitoring has been widely used in surgery, anesthesia, medication observation, aerospace, sports and other ECG monitoring as well as in the rescue of critically ill patients.


Post time: Dec-26-2022